The toolkit is fantastic. It provides you with everything you need to run the workshop. I recommend laminating the cards so that they can be reused more. The Facilitation Guide provided clear instructions, and the videos on the [GP] site helped us to visually see the instructions in action. Well done, ladies.
For the workshop, we started with a group of girls who, for the most part, had no idea why they were really there. Mom/Dad said, “Hey, there’s this thing at work, you should go,” so they did. Now, our parents say their girls are still raving about the event and want to participate in the next one, now that they know how much fun and how cool it was to hang out at “Mom/Dad’s work” for a morning.
It was a LOT of fun. It was work and a labor of love. Seeing the joy and excitement on our girls’ faces made it worth the effort. We look forward to having a Saturday event in the fall.
Sheilla Ferreira, Change Healthcare